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Saturday 15 January 2011

New Year? what's changed?

I spent a lovely four days over Christmas in Bristol with my children and grandchildren, it was really funny watching the little ones opening their presents. Got told off again by my son and d-in-l for spending too much and yet again explained that if I lived in Bristol and saw them every week or so, over a year they would probably get a lot more spent on them! I was full of anticipation, expecting Thom to be really excited when he opened one and found what he had asked for in it, but kids being kids it was 'oh yes I wanted that! but I'm too busy playing with my little toy Woody out of Toy Story' Poor Isabel was just too overwhelmed to get excited, Peppa Pig was EVERYWHERE! Noah was busy playing with all his stuff for a couple of minutes each but always ended up with his kitchen, which was very smart and took his dad AAAGGEEESSS to put together the night before (lololol) Poor Catherine hasn't had her present yet due to a mistake in the delivery address but that should be sorted soon. Pauline had a very expensive bottle of perfume(eau du parfan) and I'll have to spoil her a bit more at the end of this month as it's her birthday. Then came New Year's Eve, I had a few tinnies and a liquer coffee and enjoyed a pleasant evening with Pauline who was not feeling too bright. Nothing has changed at work(yet!) I've still not heard from Arriva and don't really expect to, I think they think I live too far away, still something will come along and there's always the lottery to win