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Thursday 7 January 2010

Ten past eight?............... OHHhhhh 2k +10

Well here we are 1 week into the new year and the snow is still falling, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings took 4 times longer to get to work than normal because of it. We've spent most of the time digging staff and customers out of their parking places.  Watched two sets of women last night in the car park cleaning off their cars. Now! we are talking 12-15 inches of snow all round the cars and on the car body.  The obvious thing to do? clean the windows so you can see out, these two clean every single flake off their cars. Guess where they put it???  That's right! in front of the cars, then they attempt to drive out over an 18 inch ridge of snow and ice in vehicles with a ground clearance of about six. Anything with a wheel width of more than 4.5 J was doomed to spend more time than the owner wanted stuck in the parking space with it's wheels merrily spinning. Am I glad I've now got 4 days off? YOU BET!