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Friday, 15 July 2011


Today was the day I was NOT looking forward to as it means the end of my cheap gym sessions.  Yes! I've had my review!  Everything is good news, BP is down to 138/91 from 149/99, my resting heartbeat is down from 77 to 67 bpm (and that was after climbing a flight of stairs to get to the gym) my body fat is down from 55 to 44% and my BMI is down just over 5 points.  I've also lost over 16 kilos in weight, even my lung function had greatly improved though there was little change in the 'grip' test.  Needless to say Paul my instructor was extremely pleased at the results in such a short time (but not as pleased as me of course!).  All I have to do now is decide whether to pay £31.00 a month for unlimited sessions or £4.50 a time on a casual basis.  I'll probably take the first option then if I can't get enough sessions in to make it worth while I can go to casual visits.  Really looking forward to see what the next 18 weeks bring!

1 comment:

  1. Thats fantastic news pops!! Well done!!
    Make sure you keep it up!!
