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Sunday, 1 March 2009

It was good until................

I'm feeling very pleased with the fact I don't have to go to work until Saturday night, the boss kindly gave me two study days off to prepare for an exam on Friday. Had some wonderful pictures of my grandson emailed to me from my son. I've just had an annonymous email from work from someone complaining about the state of the 'George'. I replied with a few choice things like ...I can at least spell George (they spelt it GERGE) and a moan about the state of the Microwave......expecting another dig back because I deliberately mis-spelt annonymous as annoymous...see if they pick up on that.... I doubt it! Pauline's sister just came banging at the door..... she's come out in some sort of rash ...... Chicken Pox is rife up here at the moment and it looks like she's got it...... she's a bit upset about it because she is in her 40's...... Pauline has just taken her to the local NHS drop-in centre. I think I might open a couple of tinnies....... JS Extra Smooth or Carling?....hmmmmmmmm

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