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Friday, 23 March 2012

Yes it is the lergy!

Well after my little scare on Wednesday and my relief when it stopped it seems I celebrated a little too early!  I have had a sore-ish throat and a niggling pain, extending from the right side of my neck up over my head to just above my right eye, since Thursday morning, got the sniffles too!   Time for the brandy and hot lemon I think!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Oh No not the lergy!?!?!?

Came back from my visit to Bristol on Monday.  My arrival was delayed after some poor van driver veered off a bridge over the M42 near junction 8, hitting a lorry and at least one other vehicle.  The wreckage of his van looked like a trailer that had flipped onto it's side.  Anyway I had a great time, spent an extra day with 'the boy' as he wasn't feeling well so was off work.  Everyone seems happy enough, despite lingering colds etc.

Had a phone call yesterday 'begging' me to go to work today as they were short of drivers.  Started the day well and then, around midday I started to get a sore throat and about half an hour later the headache started.  Praying it wasn't the same as the lergy my son and his wife have had I continued with my day.  Luckily by the time I finished the headache and sore throat had gone, PHEW!!!

Took Catherine to work on Sunday and helped her get the equipment for the lessons up and ready.  After seeing the way she was shaking those poles about to check they were up safely I was feeling sorry for anyone that gets her riled, she was like a terrier with a rag.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

First visit of 2012

Off to Bristol on Friday for my first visit of 2012.  It will be good seeing the family again and give me a chance to go to South Bristol Crem and place some flowers in memory of my Mum on Mothers Day! Will also probably take the local 'Apple Tech. Dept.' out for a pint or two as he's going to help me re-boot my laptop.

Finally got  to the local NHS Centre today and asked about the results from the blood tests I had done back in December, the receptionist didn't want to give them to me... "We usually give out results between 2 & 5pm"  "Well I won't be here then! and as you're doing nothing else at this moment can't you look them up for me?"  Anyway everything is now 'normal' including my blood pressure(YEAHHH!) so going on the diet and exercise program has done me a lot of good!  I need to find a way of getting some more exercise though as I've had to cancel my gym membership.  Hopefully they will bring back the 'Cycle to Work' campaign again this April and I can get some help to buy a bike, I can then go to the local cycleway and spend some time riding along that 3 or 4 times a week for an hour or so.  Depending on the cost I might try and get one for Pauline too!........... (I'll wait for the cries of 'I can't ride a bike!')

Had a letter off the Pensions Service this morning.... I now have to work until November 2020 before I can draw my state pension, at least it's only a year longer than expected, Pauline has to wait an extra SIX years for hers.  I think raising it by that amount in one go was a bit much, they could have done it by a year every 3 or 5 years, it's DOUBLED the time she has to go now before she can draw her pension!