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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Holidays are coming....the holidays are com........

Can't believe it! in less than 10 hours I shall be embarking on my long awaited journey to Bristol for the Xmas holiday. The weather is threatening to spoil it but I'm sure I'll get there. As usual I have so much to do and only four days to do it in, still I'll have a go! (Don't mean to sound like Santa there lolol) Hoping 2011 brings a change of fortune as well as a New Year, having said that 2010 is ending well.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

10 days to go.........

Well not long to go now, only ten days and I'm off to Bristol for Christmas. I'm really looking forward to it so I hope the weather is okay. This one is special as it will be my first Christmas day in Bristol since moving to Sunderland in 2001 and being with my kids and the grandchildren will be wonderful. There are plenty of presents to be distributed. I'm disappointed Pauline is not coming with me but I do understand her reasons for staying home.