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Saturday, 27 June 2009

County Durham weather……..

Typical! have a lovely sunny time in Bristol ….come home to one sunny day ….one rainy day……one foggy day….probably tomorrow will be bright sunshine because I’m at work for one night

Thursday, 25 June 2009

A good time was……………….

Well I had a great stay in Bristol…….the weather was wonderful……the hotel great…… and very nice to see my kids again….. went to a few spots I hadn’t been to for years namely Portishead, Clevedon and Blaise Castle…… saw both of my 2 new grandchildren (Isabel and Noah)and took Thomas (the eldest, nearly two) to Kingswood Park for an hour or three to give his mum a break…… he was really very well behaved and I think he enjoyed himself….. he does a MEAN gimme five! Had to make sure Pauline or Gemma didn’t hide Isabel in their bags to take her home… she’s such a cutie!

Noah was his usual ‘big’ self…… he’s not very well after having his first lot of immunisations…. he’s going to be a real bonny lad….I think Catherine would like a couple of hours to herself as well….. The worst thing was the journey home…..bits of the motorway were closed without any warning(M32 Westbound slip onto M4) and diversions taking you miles out of the way then when you were on the motorway 50 mph restrictions …..it took over 6 hours to do what is normally a 4 1/2 hour journey.

AND FINALLY ……The Bowl Inn at Lower Almondsbury was fantastic……. had a pint called ‘OLD ROSIE’ in honour of my mum…….lovely stuff ABV of 7.5

Monday, 22 June 2009

Isn't life great!...........

Well here I am in sunny Almondsbury..... saw both of my new grandchildren yesterday....... had four Father's Day cards, one from my son, one from my daughter, one from from Pauline's youngest daughter and one from my 'work daughter'..... I'll explain the last one some other time..
.... been to Portishead and Clevedon today and shown Pauline around, we could see Wales from the coast and she asked if we could go over there when we come down in September..... We are staying at the Bowl Inn a lovely little place and not too expensive...... fantastic breakfart this morning too and they've got free WiFi connection...............

Monday, 15 June 2009


Well another week has flown by...... night shift was the usual mixture of dimwits and twits..... home life has been quiet...... car is going brmmm brmmm like it should be...... just done the most ridiculous survey I've ever come across on line....'what is your real age'..... they just want to be nosey and send you a load of third party advertising........ looking forward to my day shifts this week, only because I have 11 days off after, would've been 12 but I wasn't very well last Thurs and had to call in sick, exchanged a days holiday for it, now I keep my 100% attendance record and there's no need to fill in a sickness form plus I don't lose any pay...... P reminded me of a promise I made her on her birthday, I only have another 6 months to fulfill it..... the ending of part of my life and the continuation of another..... little does she know she was very close with her thoughts on the subject in hand but not quite there..... still it's got to be done at some stage or another so I might as well get on with it.... be a man..... take the bull by the horns..... and countless other cliches...... it will make me sad but such is life....................................

Friday, 5 June 2009

a good week was had by ..........

Well that week wasn't too bad, work went along swimmingly, no BIG probs...... weather was okay apart from Thursday which was cloudy all day. Today has been a bit of a disappointment rained right up until 7 pm then bright sunshine, then that's the british summer I suppose. put in for a week off in June and surprisingly got it! Having said that it has been a quite pleasant experience working with Lee(planning team leader) this week, he's been really chilled out. Decided I desperately need to get fitter, so I'm thinking of using the fire station gym at work, only prob we're not allowed to use the showers. That's fine when I go after a dayshift but not so good if I go before a nightshift. Still it would make a change ME smelling instead of the customers!